Personal Development Multimedia

Personal development multimedia (video) Tony Robbins style.

I can across this Anthony Robbins video on YouTube a little while ago. I know that Tony is a somewhat controversial figure in the self help movement, but what he says in this presentation is certainly worth thinking about in the context of working on your own self improvement.

In the presentation he talks about what motivates people and about human needs - universal needs that we all have and which we all strive to fulfill (at last in Tony's opinion). Whether or not you agree with the ideas he puts forward, I think it's a great starting point for considering what your needs are. What motivates you? What are your goals? What do you want out of life?

While the group he is presenting to in the video seem to be high achievers already, the concepts discussed are still worthy of consideration for the rest of us. Watch the video and keep an open mind.

Anthony Robbins Video on Personal Development

For those not familiar with some of the controversy surrounding Anthony Robbins, I suggest you take a look at the Wikipedia entry for Anthony. I can't vouch for some of the information in there but it's well worth a read. I didn't know about some of the law suits. I was more familiar with his Personal Power infomercials on late-night television.

But more importantly, broaden your search for information on how to improve yourself. Don't forget that there are many ways to consume this information - audio (podcasts and CD's), video (Youtube and DVD's) are other ways to expand your knowledge using personal development multimedia.

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